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Golden Star Mica


I mean, it grows in the shapes of stars. And it's gold! Golden in color, and shiny. It's the mineral Muscovite, commonly known as mica. These are usually quite large when I come across them, so I was excited to find smaller more affordable ones. This type of muscovite is usually found in granite pegmatites as hexagonal books made up of thin, layered sheets. The five pointed star shape is a very uncommon habit for mica. It has crystallized as hundreds of 5-pointed stars...magic!

++ Please note, these are sprayed with silicone by the miners to showcase the lovely gold tones. They smell like silicone spray, just so you know. It doesn't hurt the specimen at all, I just wanted to let you that they will smell like silicone.

Origin :: Jenipapo District, Itinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Size :: 91 x 84 x 61 mm, approximately
Weight :: 11 oz